A few things about me:
- I'm fat, ya'll.
- No, really.
- Back in school at my best I was a size 10 and 160 lbs. And that was probably because I spent hours in the Florida sun with about 15 lbs of drumming awesomeness strapped to me.
- I made it through college with out gaining much... Maybe 10 lbs, if that.
- Somewhere in there I found the Only Person On Earth That Understands My Jokes. He also has a brilliant Evil Mind. I was smitten. Seriously. The whole Evil Genius thing is my thing, ya'll.
- Rawr.
- We decided that it would be easier to rule and take over the world if there were more of us. We made two copies. The evil in this is so great that we have stopped making copies for fear that they will rise against us.
- Somewhere in there, I got my friend. I call her Fatty. She lives on my arms and according to a recent picture, she is threatening to eat my elbows. ::ew::
- Below Fatty, I have more friends. The Thunder Twins and their Overlard, Cheeks. They are now threatening a hostile takeover. This is not good ya'll.
So here's the thing:
I Hate Running.
No. Really.
I wouldn't run if you chased me (I'd shoot you. This IS the GunShine State.)
However, I have been in the business of conquering demons and have had a good deal of success as of late.
I am at risk for many awful things if I continue to let my friends grow. Things that will make me a very lame and uncool Mom. Dead is kind of lame and uncool.
The Evil Genius In My Life, Hence Known as E.G. will be changing schedules soon, allowing me a little free time in the morning to do battle.
I have thirty (30) days to make a difference before his schedule changes again.
The only way I can see myself making a real change is to actually suck it up and run.
The only problem is that I seem to need to have to be accountable to someone or I will not follow through. The only times I have really, really accomplished anything is when Someone is yelling at me. No, really. (I thought about stringing a recruiter along in this quest, Decided against it. It would be kinda unethical to lie...) SO, I plan to let this blog chronicle my Epic Battle. Tomorrow, I will take pictures. Don't worry. I understand that (in the words of E.G.'s awesome aunt whom I have adopted as my very own) "No One wants to see that shit."